The screening of the film had been arranged in a South Mumbai Multiplex on Sunday for some 40-50 special children some of whom have autism. However, as Shahrukh couldn’t make it he sent a written message for the children with his friend and director Karan Johar saying why he couldn’t make it to the screening and that he was sorry for that and also worried for the people who suffered in Pune.
Yet, there was an inspirational message for the children in it saying that if anyone told them that they were special and different then they should tell them that is why they could make all the difference. There was no mention about the problems with the Shiv Sena or the controversy surrounding the film. There was a special message also that in the film Rizwan Khan was a character that was very strong from within and he was ‘a man with aspirations’.
The message was that ‘it was from people like him that we learn to be aspirational’. Shahrukh made his presence felt with the heart felt greetings that his friend Karan Johar conveyed to thespecial children . Shahrukh had also said that sometime in the future he would surely arrange for a meeting with the kids to make up for this time’s inability.