Hear it from the man’s own lips:
"I hadn’t okayed a single script after Jodhaa Akbar,” says Hrithik. "I was sitting free with a bad knee which had crippled me for about six months. But the script of Kites got my adrenaline going. I was in no condition to accept this film. And I was travelling around the world to find a solution to my knee problem. Finland, Singapore, LA, New York and China, I went for alternative therapies, medicines and physiotherapy… but nothing worked.”
"I told them that there are two actors who speak English well and would fit into this character, and they are friends. I offered to assist and be involved in the creative side. But Anurag and dad were adamant. They said they would use duplicates in scenes where I was required to run. I was broken, because I’m an athlete, a superhero, and to think of using duplicates just broke my spirit,”
But, miraculously, on the shoot’s 1st day, his knee-ache started to abate. Within a week it was gone by 90 percent and pretty soon, all his pain evaporated.
And the actor feels there was a divine hand to this as he quips, "I thought all the things I did to heal my knee had converged together. Or my prayers had been answered. That’s when I heard that Santa Fe is surrounded by magnetic mountains and people from over the world come there to get healed. It was destiny that we chose Santa Fe to begin Kites.”
Now, what would you call that…..Magic, co-incidence or a divine miracle?