The latest, which she has conformed, looks promising as it has the Bollywood’s most vied actor Hrithik Roshan featuring in the lead. The film is being made by Zoya Akhtar (Luck by Chance) and it’s called ‘Road Movie’ set in Spain with Farhan Akhtar and Abhay Deol.
Zoyas film casts Katrina with Hrithik for the first time ever, and Katrina’s part is said to be something she has never played before. Though Katrina is unwilling to reveal facts about the project, Farhan Akhtar is speaking guardedly about the subject.
“It’s too early to talk about it, but yes, if Katrina does come into our project, she will be cast opposite Hrithik. He is the only one who gets to romance his love interest. Abhay and I have no love interest in the film. Though it’s not the romance, but the bonding among three of us which is going to be the high point of the film”, Farhan revealed to the media.