What about the Ranbir tattoo, Deepika?

Love may or may not be blind, but sometimes it can be valid proof for stupidity. Why else would you get a tattoo.

On your nape with your lover's initials, especially when tattoos, like diamonds, last forever? It's only relationships in Bollywood that don't have a long shelf life.

Since Deepika Padukone broke up with Ranbir Kapoor two months ago after having dated for nearly two years, she hasn't really spoken about the relationship publicly.

So at a skin care product launch yesterday for which she is a brand ambassador, reporters seized the chance to question her about her ex.

The first question thrown at her was: What are you going to do about the RK tattoo on your back?

The question was met with stony silence and was followed up by a cheeky zinger: is the brand coming out with a cream that will erase your tattoo?

Deepika started fidgeting but said nothing. The journalists were relentless and went on to ask, "Are you happy after your break-up with Ranbir?"

By now the poor actress, who was probably regretting ever getting the blessed tattoo, snapped, "Of course, I am happy. Don't I look happy?" It's no surprise that the interactive session didn't last very long after that.

A visibly uncomfortable Deepika fled soon after from the backstage exit and left without any further hobnobbing with the media. Perhaps she left to mull over what to do with the indelible stamp of her ex-lover - get another boyfriend with the same initials perhaps?

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